Scripture Verse

I have set the Lord always before me. Psalm 16:8


Christopher Wordsworth

Words: Chris­to­pher Words­worth, The Ho­ly Year, fifth edi­tion, 1872, page 209.

Music: Eden (Feil­den) Os­wald M. Feil­den, in Psalms and Hymns, en­larged edi­tion, by Will­iam W. How & Tho­mas Bak­er Mor­rell, 1863 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Feil­den,

Oswald Feilden (1837–1924)


Lord, be Thy Word my rule,
In it may I re­joice;
Thy glo­ry be my aim;
Thy ho­ly will my choice.

Thy pro­mis­es my hope;
Thy pro­vi­dence my guard;
Thine arm my strong sup­port;
Thyself my great re­ward.