Scripture Verse

Jesus stood, and commanded him to be brought unto Him. Luke 18:40


Edmund S. Lorenz (1854–1942)

Words: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz, Hea­ven­ly Ca­rols (Day­ton, Ohio: Will­iam J. Shu­ey, 1878), page 37. Some hym­nals show the ly­ri­cist as E. D. M. or E. D. Mund, two of Lo­renz’ pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Tul­li­us C. O’Kane (🔊 pdf nwc).

Tullius C. O’Kane (1830–1912)


Lead me to Je­sus, my soul is so wea­ry,
Weary of bear­ing the yoke of sin;
Dark clouds above me, my path­way is drea­ry,
Joy ne­ver dwells my sad heart with­in.


Lead me to Je­sus, lead me to­day;
Lead me to Je­sus, lead me, I pray;
Tenderly, care­ful­ly, lov­ing­ly, pray­er­ful­ly,
Lead me to Je­sus.

Mountains im­pass­able, sins rise around me,
Hiding the light of the Fa­ther’s face;
Sitting in dark­ness, sin fet­ters have bound me,
Vainly I strug­gle with­out His grace.


Lead me to Je­sus, my soul now re­turn­ing,
Seeks in His bo­som its rest­ing place;
Lead me to Je­sus, my heart now is burn­ing,
Longing for mer­cy, and love, and grace.
