Scripture Verse

For Thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me. Psalm 31:3


Charles C. Converse (1834–1918)

Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Sil­ver Wings, by Charles C. Con­verse (New York & Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Charles H. Ditson and Ol­iv­er Dit­son, 1870), num­ber 107.

Music: Lead Me On Charles C. Con­verse, 1870 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Traveling to the bet­ter land,
O’er the des­ert’s scorch­ing sand,
Father! let me grasp Thy hand;
Lead me on, lead me on!

When at Mar­ah, parched with heat,
I the spark­ling fount­ain greet,
Make the bit­ter wa­ters sweet;
Lead me on, lead me on!

When the wil­der­ness is drear,
Show me El­im’s palm grove near,
And her wells, as crys­tal clear,
Lead me on, lead me on!

When with Am­al­ec I fight,
Brave to bat­tle for the right,
Give me cour­age, give me might:
Lead me on, lead me on!

In temp­ta­tion, when the foe
Sorely thrusts to lay me low,
Father! con­quer­ing grace be­stow,
Lead me on, lead me on!

Through the wa­ter, through the fire,
Never let me fail or tire,
Every step brings Ca­naan nigh­er:
Lead me on, lead me on!

Bid me stand on Ne­bo’s height,
Gaze upon the land of light,
Then, trans­port­ed with the sight,
Lead me on, lead me on!

When I stand on Jor­dan’s brink,
Never let me fear or shrink;
Hold me, Fa­ther, lest I sink:
Lead me on, lead me on!

When the vic­to­ry is won,
And eter­nal life be­gun,
Up to glo­ry lead me on!
Lead me on, lead me on!