Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:29
Words: Julia H. Johnston, in Bible Study Songs, by Bertha F. Vella & Daniel B. Towner (Boston, Massachusetts & Chicago, Illinois: Pilgrim Press, 1899), page 76.
Music: Holmby Hills James H. Rosecrans, 1899 (🔊
To learn of Jesus Christ, our Lord,
We need to read His holy Word;
The precious lessons we must heed,
And ask of Him the grace we need.
O holy teacher, friend and guide,
With us for evermore abide;
May we be taught from Heav’n above
The wondrous lessons of Thy love.
We learn of Jesus’ wondrous birth,
His sinless life while here on earth,
We hear His invitation free,
Come, take My yoke, and learn of Me.
The Book divine, oh, may we prize,
Where all this heav’nly wisdom lies;
These lessons may we learn by heart,
And early choose the better part.