Scripture Verse

Whom have I in Heaven but Thee? And earth has nothing I desire besides Thee. Psalm 73:25


Robert Grant (1780–1838)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Ro­bert Grant, in Psalms and Hymns for Pub­lic, Pri­vate and So­cial Wor­ship, by Hen­ry Venn El­li­ott, 1835.

Music: Maid­stone Wal­ter B. Gil­bert, 1865 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Walter B. Gilbert (1829–1910)


Lord of earth, Thy form­ing hand,
Well this beau­te­ous frame hath planned,
Woods that wave, and hills that tow­er,
Ocean roll­ing in his pow­er;
Yet amidst this scene so fair,
Should I cease thy smile to share,
What were all its joys to me?
Whom have I on earth but Thee?

Lord of Hea­ven, be­yond our sight
Shines a world of pur­er light;
There in love’s un­cloud­ed reign,
Severed friends shall meet again:
O that world is pass­ing fair!
Yet, if Thou wert ab­sent there,
What were all its joys to me?
Whom have I in Hea­ven but Thee?

Lord of earth and Hea­ven, my breast
Seeks in Thee its on­ly rest;
I was lost; Thy ac­cents mild
Homeward lured Thy wan­der­ing child:
O if once Thy smile di­vine
Ceased up­on my soul to shine,
What were earth or Hea­ven to me?
Whom have in each but Thee?

Great Falls of Yellowstone
Thomas Moran (1837–1926)