Scripture Verse

God hath sent His angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me. Daniel 6:22


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749, Vol­ume 1, num­ber 193.

Music: Cleans­ing Fount­ain 19th Cen­tu­ry Am­eri­can camp meet­ing tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Let all the God of Da­ni­el praise
Almighty to re­deem,
Who saves, as in the an­cient days,
The men that trust in Him.
He hath the great de­liv­er­ance wrought,
His an­gel sent again,
And shut the li­ons’ mouths, and brought
Us up out of their den.

Give glo­ry to Eli­jah’s God,
Elijah’s God and ours,
Who hath around His ser­vants stood,
With all His hea­ven­ly powers:
Beset we were by Sa­tan’s host,
In hu­man shape con­cealed;
He baf­fled their ty­ran­nic boast,
And all their fu­ry quelled.

The God who saved the faith­ful three
Let ev­ery soul ad­mire;
We, too, have seen the Dei­ty,
And walked un­burnt in fire:
Called down by faith, from Hea­ven He came,
The Son of Man we knew:
He kept us in the lam­bent flame,
And strange­ly brought us through.

The floods with hor­rid dis­cord raged,
And lift­ed up their voice:
Jehovah on our side en­gaged,
And stilled their ang­ry noise;
His Word re­buked the swell­ing sea,
Nor suf­fered it to o’er­flow,
Hither pro­ceed, al­lowed by Me,
But dare no fur­ther go.

Thou, Lord, be­yond their reach didst bear
And sweet­ly hide above,
The ob­jects of Thy guard­ian care,
And pro­vi­den­tial love:
Thou didst the ali­en host de­feat,
And blast their vain de­sign
To slay, or shame­ful­ly in­treat
A mes­sen­ger of Thine.

For this with all Thy saints we praise
Thy ma­jes­ty and pow­er,
And tell the won­ders of Thy grace,
’Till time shall be no more.
For this in sounds of glo­ri­ous joy
We shall our Sav­ior own,
And all eter­ni­ty em­ploy
In hymns around Thy throne.

Daniel’s Answer to the King
Thomas Agnew & Sons, 1892