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Scripture Verse

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The Lord reigneth. 1 Chronicles 16:31


John Hunt (1812–1848)

Words: John Hunt (1812–1848), alt. Note: Some hym­nals state Hunt wrote the hymn in 1853. Since Hunt died in 1848, 1853 might be the year of first pub­li­ca­tion. The orig­in­al text (ap­par­ent­ly given in Schaff, page 500), was in 668.668 meter.

Music: Christ Church (Steg­gall) Charles Steg­gall, 1865 (🔊 ).

Charles Steggall


Let all the world rejoice,
The great Je­ho­vah reigns;
The thun­ders are His voice,
Our life His will or­dains;
The glo­ries of His migh­ty name
The light­nings, floods, and hail pro­claim.

He rules by sea and land,
O’er bound­less realms His sway;
He go­verns co­ral strand,
And mount­ains hom­age pay;
Unequaled, so­ver­eign, and alone,
In ma­jes­ty He fills His throne.

The uni­verse He made
By His pre­vail­ing might;
The earth’s foun­da­tions laid,
And scat­tered an­cient night;
When Heav’n and earth, the sky and sea,
Proclaimed His aw­ful ma­jes­ty.

When first the orb of day
Gleamed forth with rud­dy light,
And moon with sil­ver ray
Marched up the vault of night,
The stars be­decked the spark­ling skies
That seemed cre­ation’s thou­sand eyes.

And earth’s fair form was seen,
With flow­ers and bloss­oms dressed;
And trees and mea­dows green
Adorned her youth­ful breast;
He hung them out in bound­less space,
Amid the ocean’s cool em­brace.

Glad was the an­gel throng
To see His might pre­vail,
And sang loud, joy­ful song,
This uni­verse to hail;
They saw it as in youth it stood,
And heard its mak­er call it good.

But this fair world shall die,
The crea­ture of a day;
In ash and ru­in lie,
Its glo­ry passed away;
And as she was be­fore her birth,
Again shall be this migh­ty earth.

Soon shall the day be o’er,
Of yon­der brill­iant sun;
To rise and set no more,
His race of glo­ry run;
And soon, al­as! Yes, all too soon
Shall fade the stars, and yon pale moon.

But ev­er fixed, the throne
Of the Eter­nal One
Shall stand, cre­ation gone,
Unchanging, He rules on;
New worlds to make with so­ver­eign will,
And His own wise de­signs ful­fill.