Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Eliza E. Hewitt, in Sunday School Hymns No. 2, edited by Isaac Meredith & Grant C. Tullar (New York: Tullar-Meredith, 1912), number 225.
Music: Isaac H. Meredith (🔊
). Some hymnals give the composer as Broughton Edwards, one of Meredith’s pseudonyms.
Let the laurel twine,
With the fragrant pine,
And the holly berries gay;
Let our hearts be light,
And our firesides bright,
On the happy Christmas Day.
Hail, hail, O hail the happy day!
Joy, joy,
O hear the angels say;
Let us cheer the sad
With the tidings glad,
Unto you is born,
Hear the blessèd word
Unto you is born a Savior,
Christ, the Lord.
Trim the festive tree,
Keeping jubilee;
We will spread good will and cheer;
For the Savior born
Comforts those who mourn,
And His birthday now is here.
Outward signs of joy
We would not destroy,
While our we blessings recall;
But the blessèd love
Of the King above,
Is the greatest joy of all.