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Scripture Verse

Hide not Thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble. Psalm 102:2


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Wel­come Tid­ings, by Ro­bert Low­ry, W. How­ard Doane & Ira D. San­key (New York: Big­low & Main, 1877), num­ber 31.

Music: Hu­bert P. Main (🔊 ).

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


When my way is hedged about me,
Hedged with thorns of care;
When the cross I loved so dear­ly,
Seems too hard to bear;
When my heart is bowed with sor­row,
And no light I see—
Lord, Thy ten­der mer­cy plead­ing,
Let me lean on Thee.

O, for faith to cast be­hind me
Ev­ery sad com­plaint—
Faith to run and not be wea­ry,
Walk and nev­er faint;
Thou dost know and feel my weak­ness,
Sav­ior look on me;
Now Thy ten­der mer­cy plead­ing,
Let me lean on Thee.

Closer let Thine arms en­fold me,
Clos­er to Thy breast
Draw my wea­ry, trem­bling spir­it,
Calm its doubts to rest;
Give me strength for ev­ery bur­den
Thou hast borne for me;
Lord, Thy ten­der mer­cy plead­ing,
Let me lean on Thee.