Scripture Verse

Let not your heart be troubled: You believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:1


George W. Warren (1828–1902)

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1997 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Na­tion­al Hymn George W. War­ren, 1888 (🔊 pdf nwc). War­ren wrote this tune for the cen­ten­ni­al ce­le­bra­tion of the Unit­ed States Con­sti­tu­tion.

Susan H. Peterson (1950–2004)


“Let not your hearts be trou­bled or cast down;
You trust in God, trust in the Son al­so.
My Fa­ther’s house is filled with ma­ny rooms;
If it weren’t so, I would have let you know.

“I go away to make a place for you;
And if I go, I will for you re­turn.
I’ll take you there so you can be with Me;
You know the way—just fol­low Me and learn.

“I am the on­ly way, the truth, the life;
None comes to God un­less he comes through Me.
If you know Me, you’ll know My Fa­ther, too;
I am in Him, and He abides in Me.

“These words I speak, they are not just My own;
God is the one who does His work through Me.
Believe that I am in My Fa­ther God,
Or just be­lieve the mi­ra­cles you see.

“If you have faith, you’ll do what I have done;
I tell the truth, e’en great­er things you’ll do.
You’ll do these things be­cause I go to God;
Thus it is good I go away from you.

I will do any­thing you ask of Me,
So that the Son to God may glo­ry bring.
Ask in My name, ask any­thing you please;
You need but ask, and I will do each thing.