Scripture Verse

Do not be afraid or discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8


Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: Ada J. Blenk­horn, 1895.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ada J. Blenkhorn (1858–1927)


Do you fear the foe will in the con­flict win?
Is it dark with­out you—dark­er still with­in?
Clear the dark­ened win­dows, op­en wide the door,
Let a lit­tle sun­shine in.


Let a lit­tle sun­shine in,
Let a lit­tle sun­shine in;
Clear the dark­ened win­dows,
Open wide the door,
Let a lit­tle sun­shine in.

Does your faith grow faint­er in the cause you love?
Are your pray­ers un­an­swered by your God above?
Clear the dark­ened win­dows, op­en wide the door,
Let a lit­tle sun­shine in.


Would you go re­joic­ing in the up­ward way,
Knowing naught of dark­ness, dwell­ing in the day?
Clear the dark­ened wi­ndows, op­en wide the door,
Let a lit­tle sun­shine in.
