Scripture Verse

This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14


Words: Ben­ja­min Gough (1805–1877). This is at­trib­ut­ed to…Gough, on the au­tho­ri­ty of Mrs. Gough. It is not in his pub­lished works, and its first ap­pear­ance is un­known (Ju­li­an, p. 446).

Music: Fleet­wood H. Fleet­wood Shep­pard (1824–1901) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gough or Shep­pard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Lift the Gos­pel ban­ner,
Wave it far and wide,
Through the crowd­ed ci­ty,
Over ocean’s tide:
Sound the pro­cla­ma­tion,
Peace to all man­kind,
Jesus and sal­va­tion
All the world may find;
Sound the pro­cla­ma­tion,
Peace to all man­kind,
Jesus and sal­va­tion
All the world may find.

Lift the Gos­pel stand­ard,
Spread the Gos­pel light,
Let the bless­èd ra­di­ance
Flame o’er hea­then night;
Love is God’s own sun­shine,
Such as an­gels prove:
Conquer men by kind­ness,
God Him­self is love;
Love is God’s own sun­shine,
Such as an­gels prove:
Conquer men by kind­ness,
God Him­self is love.

Let us rise to act­ion,
Work with one de­sign,
Work with Christ, and tri­umph
In the work di­vine;
Victory’s palm awaits us,
Let us then work on
Till we hear the wel­come,
Faithful ones, well done!
Victory’s palm awaits us,
Let us then work on
Till we hear the wel­come,
Faithful ones, well done!