Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


Words & Mu­sic: Will O. Jones, 1922 (🔊 pdf nwc). Jones de­di­cated this song to Ray F. How­ell.

Will O. Jones


You are tra­vel­ing on a rail­way,
Winding through this maze of life,
Climbing up the hills of tri­al,
Into vales of sin and strife;
But there’s one who knows the jour­ney,
He can sure­ly take you through;
Jesus knows the way to glo­ry,
He will safe­ly car­ry you.


Jesus, Sav­ior, bless­èd Keep­er,
Guide us on to Heav’n above;
Where the saints through­out the ag­es
Will unite in songs of love.

Curves will meet you as you jour­ney,
You will meet with wrecks of time;
You will cross the bridge of sad­ness,
You will reach some heights sub­lime.
Never fear, for Christ is with you,
And He knows the way so plain;
Keep your eye on your dear Sav­ior,
He will ban­ish fear and pain.


Wind and rain some days will hin­der,
Skies will dark­en, sick­ness come;
You will want to tra­vel free­ly
To a friend or heav’n­ly home;
Put your trust in Christ the Sav­ior,
Well He knows this line and rail;
He will ne­ver leave you lone­ly
For His love will ne­ver fail.


You will cross the bridge of mer­cy
And the ri­ver of de­light,
You will climb the hills su­per­nal,
You shall gain the hills of light;
Soon the home so free­ly giv­en
Will be seen on glo­ry’s shore;
You have reached the heav’n­ly sta­tion,
Ne’er to leave for­ev­er­more.
