Scripture Verse

God Himself is with us for our captain. 2 Chronicles 13:12


Mary J. M. Barnes (1840–1902)

Words: Ma­ry J. M. Barnes, in Child­ren’s Hymns with Tunes, ed­it­ed by Car­yl Flo­rio (pseu­do­nym of Will­iam J. Rob­john) (New York: Big­low & Main, 1885).

Music: Col­li­ers Wood Hu­bert P. Main, 1882 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


List the mu­sic peal­ing; hear our song of might;
We are march­ing on­ward to the land of light;
Come and join the ban­ner, un­der which we go,
Christ the Lord is cap­tain, and we fear no foe.


Duty is our watch­word, faith our on­ly shield,
And to Sa­tan’s le­gions ne­ver will we yield.
List the mu­sic peal­ing, hear our song of might;
We are march­ing on­ward to the land of light.

Gracious is our Sav­ior, to His child­ren true;
And whate’er the dan­ger, He will lead us through;
Love ye one ano­ther, is our Lord’s com­mand;
Charity the mot­to of our pil­grim band.


When our march is end­ed, and the night draws near,
Brightly through the dark­ness will His face ap­pear;
Join us, all ye people, hear our lov­ing call,
In our faith­ful ar­my there is room for all.
