The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1
Words: Julia H. Johnston, in Bible Study Songs, by Bertha F. Vella & Daniel Towner (Boston, Massachusetts & Chicago, Illinois: Pilgrim Press, 1899), page 103.
Music: Napoli Daniel B. Towner, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a better photo of Johnston,
The Lord is my shepherd; little lambs
May safely trust His care;
I shall not want, for He will lead
To pastures green and fair.
Beside the waters safe and still,
He guides me day by day;
And in the paths of righteousness,
He gently leads the way.
Oh, loving Shepherd, call my name,
And keep me near Thy side;
For Thou art evermore the same,
My guardian, friend and guide.
When thro’ the valley I must walk,
Where death’s dark shadows fall,
With rod and staff Thou wilt be near,
To help me when I call.
A bounteous table Thou dost spread
Thou givest more and more;
With all the blessings of Thy love,
Behold, my cup runs o’er.
Thy care unceasing, I will trust,
I follow after Thee!
For Thou dost call me to Thy side,
Thy little lamb to be.
Thy goodness, mercy, love and truth,
Shall follow me each day;
And I shall dwell in God’s own house:
My shepherd says I may.