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Scripture Verse

A multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:13–14


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: “Ap­peared ano­ny­mous­ly in the S.P.C.K. [So­ci­ety for the Pro­pa­ga­tion of Chris­tian Know­ledge] Ap­pen­dix, 1869; Hor­der’s Book of Praise for Child­ren, 1875; and ma­ny oth­ers of lat­er date, in­clud­ing the Scotch Church Hym­na­ry, 1898, &c” (Ju­li­an, page 1665).

Music: St. Os­wald John B. Dykes, 1857 (🔊 ).



Little child­ren, wake and list­en!
Songs are break­ing o’er the earth;
While the stars in Heav­en glist­en
Hear the news of Je­sus’ birth.

Long ago, to lone­ly mea­dows
Angels brought the mes­sage down;
Still each year thro’ mid­night sha­dows,
It is heard in ev­ery town.

What is this that they are tell­ing,
Singing in the qui­et street?
While their voic­es high are swell­ing,
What sweet words do they re­peat?

Praise to God! The an­gels’ chor­us
Rings through all the earth again.
Sweetly sounds the ec­ho o’er us,
Peace on earth, good will to men.

Little child­ren, wake and list­en!
Songs are ring­ing through the earth;
While the stars in Heav­en glist­en,
Hear the news of Jesus’ birth.