Scripture Verse

The Syrians…had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman’s wife. And she said unto her mistress, Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! For he would cure him of his leprosy. 2 Kings 5:2–3

Julia H. Johnston (1849–1919)


Words: Ju­lia H. John­ston, in Bi­ble Stu­dy Songs, by Ber­tha F. Vel­la & Da­ni­el Tow­ner (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Pil­grim Press, 1899), page 107.

Music: El Se­gun­do Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of John­ston,

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


Long, long ago, a cap­tive maid,
A won­drous mes­sage gave;
For she be­lieved in Is­ra­el’s God,
With pow­er to help and save.
The word she spoke, the truth she told,
Her haugh­ty mas­ter moved;
And when he sought the way aright,
The way of life it proved.

No help or cure was in her hand,
She was a cap­tive maid;
But she could tell the way to go,
To gain the pro­phet’s aid.
The sore dis­ease and wast­ing pain
Were lost in Jor­dan’s wave;
The Sy­ri­an cap­tain learned that God
Was strong to help and save.

So child­ren now can spread the news
Of Je­sus’ pow­er to cure;
To heal the wea­ry, sin sick heart,
And make the spir­it pure.
’Tis Je­sus on­ly who can save
As in the old­en day;
And all may find Him if they will—
A child may point the way.