Scripture Verse

A little while. Hebrews 10:37


Frances E. Townsley

Words: Fran­ces E. Towns­ley, in White Rib­bon Vi­bra­tions, 5th edi­tion, ed­it­ed by Flo­ra H. Cas­sel (Hast­ings, Ne­bras­ka: 1890).

Music: Fan­nie B. Bu­la (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bu­la (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Traveler, tho’ thy feet are worn,
Climb a lit­tle longer!
Tho’ with thorns thy hands are torn,
Cling a lit­tle long­er!
Thorns shall change to wav­ing palms,
Tempests cease in heav’n­ly calms,
Joy shall ban­ish thine alarms,
Wait a little long­er!


As I walk the way no ter­ror can alarm,
For He holds me with His ev­er­last­ing arms.

Tho’ thy heart is ach­ing sore,
Bear a lit­tle long­er!
Stands ano­ther cross before,
Lift a lit­tle long­er!
No more heart­ache, no more pain,
In the land thou yet shall gain,
Only faith­ful­ly re­main,
True a lit­tle long­er!


Step by step climb high­er still,
Climb a lit­tle long­er!
At the top thy heart shall thrill,
Hope a lit­tle long­er!
On thy brow shall shine a gem,
Sparkling in life’s dia­dem,
In the new Je­ru­sa­lem,
On a lit­tle long­er!


Glory in the sun­set land
Waits a lit­tle long­er!
Till the loved shall clasp thy hand,
With a love grown strong­er;
Friends are bec­kon­ing from the skies,
Urging on the soul that tries
Still to reach Heav’n’s pa­ra­dise,
On! a lit­tle long­er!
