Joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
Words: Author unknown. Translated to English by John Brownlie, Hymns of the Early Church (London: Morgan & Scott, 1913), pages 48–49.
Music: St. Clare Alfred J. Eyre, in Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Lo, the clouds of night are rending,
Clad in light, heav’nly bright,
Herald hosts to earth descending,
Hail approaching morn.
Hail the morn with heav’nly singing,
And the song, they prolong,
News untold to earth is bringing,
Of Immanuel born.
Fearful watchers, see the glory,
Cease to gaze with amaze;
Herdsmen, sages, list the story,
Peace abides on earth.
Glory! sons of men repeat it,
Heav’nly morn, Christ is born,
Lift your eyes to Heav’n and greet it,
Greet Immanuel’s birth.
Gone the dismal years of waiting,
Angels bright, shed your light!
Peace hath banished ill and hating,
On this glorious morn.
Glory be to God ascending,
And the Son, who hath won
Life for man in bliss unending,
Now the Christ is born.