Scripture Verse

These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11


Stephen Popovich (1953–)

Words: Ste­phen Po­po­vich, 2016 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Blott en Dag Os­kar Ahn­felt, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Oskar Ahnfelt (1813–1882)


Lord, how sweet Thy joy that ever flow­eth
Through Thy ser­vants if Thy word we keep.
For Thy Spir­it in us will but flour­ish
If Thy voice is cher­ished by Thy sheep.
’Twas the hour when first my knees were bend­ed,
As by faith I knelt be­fore Thy call,
That Thy joy this sin­ner first at­tend­ed,
And still sets, more deep­ly, as my goal.

Son of God, Thou still­est seas of ang­uish,
As in Thee my fears and trou­ble cease.
By Thy blood the ev­il one was van­quished.
By Thy blood I know a heav’n­ly peace.
For the cross hath torn the veil asun­der
To re­veal God’s com­fort in Thy face,
If my mind Thy word of hope is un­der,
And my heart is shield­ed by the faith.

Seed of Life, Thy word in me was plant­ed
That Thy Spir­it once did ger­min­ate,
And Thy love there­in to me was grant­ed,
As to all who from death’s hold es­cape.
O Thy love’s first sprout­ing I re­mem­ber;
May that me­mo­ry help me cling to Thee,
That my ser­vice to Thy bo­dy’s mem­bers
Might a stea­dy light of wit­ness be.

In my heart the Spir­it’s Abba, Fa­ther
Lifts my eye to watch be­yond the clouds,
Where the fear­some Judge of Si­nai’s al­tar
Bends to dine with me ’neath Mam­re’s bough.
Love has ban­ished fear of con­dem­na­tion,
For I know the cleans­ing of Thy blood,
That se­cured di­vine pro­pi­ti­ation
And ac­cept­ance full in God’s Be­loved.

Father God, Thou giv­est life in Je­sus
And have saved me from the wrath to come.
I con­fess Thy ran­som for my ser­vice
Daily pales the la­bor I have done.
May Thy Spir­it strength­en me yet fur­ther
And my life dis­play Thy set­tled love,
’Till the praise of peace arise in fer­vor
With re­sound­ing joy sent from above.