Scripture Verse

Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Daniel 2:31–33


Words & Mu­sic: Frank­lin E. Bel­den, The Se­venth-Day Ad­vent­ist Hymn and Tune Book (Bat­tle Creek, Mi­chi­gan: Re­view & He­rald, 1886), num­ber 1344 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Franklin E. Belden
Courtesy of Ellen G. White Estate


Daniel Interprets the King’s Dream

Look for the way-marks as you jour­ney on,
Look for the way-marks pass­ing one by one;
Down through the ag­es, past the king­doms four—
Where are we stand­ing? Look the way-marks o’er.


Look for the way-marks,
The great pro­phet­ic way-marks,
Down through the ag­es,
Past the king­doms four.
Look for the way-marks,
The great pro­phet­ic way-marks;
The jour­ney’s al­most o’er.

First, the As­sy­ri­an king­dom ruled the world,
Then Me­do-Per­sia’s ban­ners were un­furled;
And af­ter Greece held uni­vers­al sway,
Rome seized the scep­ter—where are we to­day?


Down in the feet of ir­on and of clay,
Weak and di­vid­ed, soon to pass away;
What will the next great, glo­ri­ous dra­ma be?
Christ and His com­ing, and eter­ni­ty.
