Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Sabbath Carols, edited by Theodore Perkins (New York: Brown & Perkins, 1868), page 38.
Music: Mosul Theodore E. Perkins (🔊
Weary not, my brother,
Cheerful be thy song;
Is thy burden heavy,
And the journey long?
Does the weight oppress thee?
Cast it on the Lord;
Run thy race with patience,
Trusting in His Word.
Looking unto Jesus,
He has died for thee;
Oh, glory be to Jesus,
We’ll shout salvation free.
Seek and thou shalt find Him,
Still in faith believe;
Call, and He will hear thee,
Ask Him and receive;
In the darkest moment—
In the deepest night,
He will give thee comfort,
He will give thee light.
Trials may befall thee,
Thorns beset the way,
Never mind them, brother,
Only watch and pray;
Through the vale of sorrow
Once the Savior trod;
Run thy race with patience,
Pressing on to God.
Labor on, my brother,
Thou shalt reap at last
Fruits of joy eternal,
When thy work is past;
Crowds of shining angels
View thee from the skies,
Run thy race with patience,
Yonder is the prize.