Scripture Verse

The Lord shall endure for ever: He hath prepared His throne for judgment. And He shall judge the world in righteousness, He shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness. Psalm 9:7–8


Words: From Bi­ble Songs (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1901), num­ber 14. God praised as judge.

Music: Po­sa­das Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1901 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)


The Lord for­ev­er shall en­dure,
He hath for judg­ment set His throne,
In right­eous­ness to judge the world
And jus­tice give to ev­ery­one.


Lord, Thee I’ll praise with all my heart,
And all Thy won­drous works pro­claim;
In Thee, O Thou most high, I’ll joy,
And sing the praise of Thy great name.

Jehovah shall a re­fuge prove,
A re­fuge strong for poor op­pressed,
A safe re­treat, where wea­ry souls
In troub­lous times may find a rest.


And they, O Lord, that know Thy name,
Their con­fi­dence in Thee will place;
For Thou, Je­ho­vah, ne­ver hast
Forsaken them that seek Thy face.


Sing prais­es to the Lord most high,
To Him that doth in Zi­on dwell;
Declare His migh­ty deeds abroad,
His deeds among all peo­ple tell.


When He in­qui­ry makes for blood,
He calls to mind the mur­der­er’s deed;
Nor will for­get the hum­ble saints,
Who cry to Him in time of need.


Lord, have mer­cy, and re­gard
The grief which I from foes sus­tain;
O Thou, who from the gates of death
Dost raise me up to life again;


That I, in Zi­on’s daugh­ter’s gates,
May sing Thy praise with cheer­ful voice:
In that sal­va­tion Thou dost bring,
Redeemed from death, I will re­joice.


The hea­then in that pit are sunk
Which they had wick­ed­ly pre­pared;
Their net was cun­ning­ly con­cealed,
And in it are their own feet snared.


The Lord is by the judg­ment known
Which He in right­eous­ness has wrought;
The hands of sin­ners make the snares,
The snares with which them­selves are caught.


The wick­ed turned to hell shall be,
And na­tions that forget the Lord:
The needy shall not be for­got,
Nor poor men lose their hoped re­ward.


Arise, and let not man pre­vail;
O Lord, judge hea­then in Thy sight;
That they may know them­selves but men,
The na­tions of the world af­fright.
