Scripture Verse

He that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30


Words & Mu­sic: George Ben­nard, 1918 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Bennard (1873–1958)


Gathered are we in the name of our God,
Lord, give us souls, Lord, give us souls;
Trusting His grace and His won­der­ful Word,
Lord, give us souls, we pray.


Seals to our labor, and souls for our hire,
This bless­èd Lord, is our one great de­sire;
Souls for whom Je­sus His pre­cious life gave,
Lord, give us souls, we pray.

Loved ones are lost, and our friends are as­tray,
Lord, give us souls, Lord, give us souls;
Help us to win them while yet it is day,
Lord, give us souls, we pray.


Come, Ho­ly Ghost, on Thy peo­ple desc­end,
Lord, give us souls, Lord, give us souls;
Make our hearts ho­ly, Thy king­dom ex­tend,
Lord, give us souls, we pray.


Harvest is pass­ing, yes, soon ’twill be gone,
Lord, give us souls, Lord, give us souls;
Bring us at last to our hea­ven­ly home,
Lord, give us souls, we pray.
