The Lord is risen indeed.
Luke 24:34
Words: Katherine S. Burr, in Hymns New and Old Revised, by Daniel Towner et al. (Chicago, Illinois: Fleming H. Revell, 1891), number 112.
Music: Daniel B. Towner (🔊
The Lord hath risen, sing hallelujah!
Hath ris’n to die no more;
Our king hath won the hard fought battle,
And opened death’s dark door.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Christ the Lord hath risen from the dead,
Let all the earth sing hallelujah!
For Christ hath risen!
Hath risen from the dead.
The Lord hath risen, sing hallelujah!
Our captain from the skies;
His loyal hosts still beckon upward,
And we with Him shall rise.
The Lord hath risen, sing hallelujah!
A shining path we tread,
In triumph thro’ death’s dark dominions,
With Christ our living head.
The Lord hath risen, sing hallelujah!
To Christ the conqueror sing!
He lives, all power to Him is given—
All glory to our king.