Scripture Verse

Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Psalm 3:1


Samuel S. Wesley (1810–1876)

Words: Will­iam Goode (1762–1816).

Music: Dev­on­shire (Wes­ley) Sam­uel S. Wes­ley, in A Se­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns, by Charles Kem­ble (Lon­don: John F. Shaw, 1864), page 3 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Goode (1762–1816)


Lord, how my nu­mer­ous foes in­crease,
Excite my fears, dis­turb my peace!
The pow­ers of hell against me rise,
And God, they cry, His help de­nies.

But Thou, my glo­ry and my shield,
My God, Thy pow­er­ful aid shalt yield;
On Thee my stead­fast hopes re­pose,
To lift my head o’er all my foes.

To God I cried―my ev­en­ing prayer
Humbly im­plored Je­ho­vah’s care;
He vowed my wishes to ful­fill,
And heard me from His ho­ly hill.

Then, with His guard­ian mer­cy blest,
I laid my wea­ry frame to rest;
Sweet slum­bers closed my peace­ful eyes,
Nor foes mo­lest, nor fears sur­prise.

Again the shades of dark­ness flee,
I wake, sus­tained, my God, by Thee;
Thy guard­ian care re­news my days,
And claims my morn­ing song of praise.

Now shall my heart its fears dis­claim,
I trust in faith Je­ho­vah’s name;
Though round my soul ten thou­sand rage,
The Lord shall in my cause en­gage.

Rise, O my Sav­ior, rise and spread,
Thy shield, the shel­ter round my head;
Thy cross the ser­pent’s wrath hath broke,
And Sa­tan falls be­neath Thy stroke.

Salvation to the Lord be­longs,
His vic­to­ry claims my high­est songs;
His bless­ing all His saints shall share,
Then let His saints His praise de­clare.