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Scripture Verse

When thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:6


Words: Will­iam M. Run­yan, 1923.

Music: Sanc­tu­ary (Run­yan) Will­iam M. Run­yan, 1923 (🔊 ).

William Runyan (1870–1957)


Lord, I have shut the door,
Speak now the word
Which in the din and throng
Could not be heard;
Hushed now my in­ner heart,
Whisper Thy will,
While I have come apart,
While all is still.

Lord, I have shut the door,
Here do I bow;
Speak, for my soul at­tent
Turns to Thee now.
Rebuke Thou what is vain,
Counsel my soul,
Thy ho­ly will re­veal,
My will con­trol.

In this blest qui­et­ness
Clamorings cease;
Here in Thy pre­sence dwells
Infinite peace;
Yonder, the strife and cry,
Yonder, the sin:
Lord, I have shut the door,
Thou art with­in!

Lord, I have shut the door,
Strengthen my heart;
Yonder awaits the task—
I share a part.
Only through grace be­stowed
May I be true;
Here, while alone with Thee,
My strength re­new.