Scripture Verse

I come quickly. Revelation 22:12


Words: Ano­ny­mous, cir­ca 1849. Stan­za 4 by Ma­ry A. Stew­ard, cir­ca 1886.

Music: Sol­id Rock Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1863 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William B. Bradbury (1816–1868)


The Lord is com­ing, let this be
The her­ald note of ju­bi­lee;
And when we meet and when we part
The sal­uta­tion from the heart.


The Lord is com­ing, let this be
The her­ald note of ju­bi­lee,
The her­ald note of ju­bi­lee.

The Lord is com­ing! sound it forth
From east to west, from south to north;
Speed on! speed on the tid­ings glad,
That none who love Him may be sad.


The Lord is com­ing, swift and sure
And all His judg­ments shall en­dure;
And none can hope t’es­cape His wrath,
Who walk not in the nar­row path.


The earth, with her ten thou­sand wrongs
Will soon be tuned in nob­ler songs;
Our praise shall then, in realms of light,
With all His uni­verse unite.
