The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.
Isaiah 9:2
Words: Latin, 11th Century (Grates nunc omnes). Expanded and translated from Latin to German by Martin Luther, 1523 (Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ). Translated from German to English by Charles Kinchen, circa 1742.
Music: Wareham William Knapp, 1738 (🔊
Lord Jesus Christ, all praise to Thee,
That Thou wast pleased a man to be;
Our low estate Thou didst not scorn;
And angels sang to see Thee born.
The heavenly Father’s only Son,
He left His rightful glorious throne;
The Lord through whom the worlds were made
Is in the humble manger laid.
The brightness of the light divine
Doth now into our darkness shine;
It breaks upon sin’s gloomy night
And makes us children of the light.
The Father’s Son, for ever blest,
Becomes in His own world a guest,
To lead us from this vale of strife
Into the everlasting life.