Scripture Verse

Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: He shall judge the people righteously. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad. Psalm 96:10–11


Words: Ed­ward Per­ro­net, Oc­ca­sion­al Vers­es, Mor­al and Sac­red (Lon­don: J. Buck­land & T. Scol­lick, 1785), pag­es 23–25.

Music: Har­lech tra­di­tion­al Welsh tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edward Perronet (1726–1792)


Hail, ho­ly, ho­ly, ho­ly Lord!
Let pow­ers im­mor­tal sing;
Adore the co-eter­nal Word,
And shout, The Lord is King!

To Thee all an­gels cry aloud,
Thy name ho­san­nas ring;
Around Thy throne their my­ri­ads crowd,
And shout, The Lord is King!

Hail Him, they cry, ye sons of light,
Of joy the eter­nal spring;
Hail Him who formed you by His might,
And shout, The Lord is King!

Low at His feet, ye ser­aphs, fall;
His praise, ye cher­ubs, sing:
Shout all ye heav’ns, on whom we call;
O shout, The Lord is King!

Hail Him, ye saints, whose love for you
Hath drawn the mon­ster’s sting:
O ren­der to the Lord His due,
And shout, The Lord is King!

Let Sa­lem’s foes their pow­ers em­ploy,
And strike the chord­ed string;
While chor­al bands, with bursts of joy,
High shout, The Lord is King!

Cry out and shout, fair Zi­on’s land!
Ye priests, your of­fer­ings bring:
Watchmen! that on her ram­parts stand,
And shout, The Lord is King!

Rise from the dust, ye heirs of grace,
And, with ex­pand­ed wing,
Ascend to Him who fills all space,
And shout, The Lord is King!

Let worlds above, and worlds be­low,
In songs unit­ed sing;
And, while eter­nal ag­es flow,
Loud shout, The Lord is King!