Scripture Verse

The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool. Psalm 110:1


John B. Herbert (1852–1927)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1742), pag­es 89–91.

Music: La­fay­ette John B. Her­bert, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


The Lord un­to my Lord hath said,
Sit Thou, in glo­ry sit,
Till I Thine ene­mies have made
To bow be­neath Thy feet.

Jesu, my Lord, migh­ty to save,
What can my hopes with­stand,
When Thee my ad­vo­cate I have
Enthroned at God’s right hand?

I fear nor earth, nor sin, nor hell,
And death hath lost his sting,
In vain a while Thy foes re­bel,
Thou, Je­sus, art my king.

Nature is sub­ject to Thy word,
All pow­er to Thee is given,
The un­con­trolled al­migh­ty Lord
Of hell, and earth and Hea­ven.

And shall my sins Thy will op­pose?
Jesu, Thy right main­tain;
O let not Thine usurp­ing foes
In me Thy ser­vant reign.

Master, on Thee my soul is stayed,
Thou wilt not quit Thy claim;
Thou on­ly hast my ran­som paid,
And on­ly Thine I am.

Come, then, and claim me for Thine own:
Savior, Thy right as­sert;
Come, gra­cious Lord, set up Thy throne,
And reign with­in my heart.

The day of Thy great pow­er I feel,
And pant for li­ber­ty;
I loathe my­self, deny my will,
And give up all for Thee.

I hate my sins, no long­er mine,
For I re­nounce them, too;
My weak­ness with Thy strength I join,
Thy strength shall all sub­due.

Our com­mon foes, who Thee de­fied
And would not own Thy sway,
Envy and sloth, de­sire and pride,
And hate and an­ger slay.

Thy ene­mies de­stroy in mine,
Pronounce their speedy doom;
In ven­geance speak, in bright­ness shine,
The man of sin con­sume.

So shall I bless Thy plead­ing sway,
And sit­ting at Thy feet
Thy laws with all my heart ob­ey,
With all my soul sub­mit.

So shall I do Thy will below,
As an­gels do above,
The vir­tue of Thy pass­ion show,
The tri­umphs of Thy love.

Thy love the con­quest more than gains,
To all I shall pro­claim;
Jesus, the King, the Con­quer­or reigns:
Bow down to Je­su’s name.

To Thee shall earth and hell sub­mit,
And ev­ery foe shall fall,
Till death ex­pires be­neath Thy feet,
And God is all in all!