He will destroy…the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations.
Isaiah 25:7
Words: William H. Bathurst, Psalms and Hymns 1831, page 263.
Music: Evan William H. Havergal, 1847. Arranged by Lowell Mason in New Carmina Sacra (Boston, Massachusetts: 1850) (🔊
Lord, when wilt Thou extend Thy sway
O’er every human heart?
When wilt Thou take the veil away,
And bid the gloom depart?
Behold how thick a cloud is spread
Over this world of woe;
How sin lifts up her shameless head,
And reigns with pompous show.
See how degraded and forlorn
Thy Church on earth appears;
While foes insult with bitter scorn,
And triumph in her tears.
Arise, O Lord, lift up Thy hand,
And break the hearts of stone;
Thy conquests spread, till every land
Thy saving love shall own.
Let grace light up the utmost bound
Of Satan’s dark domain;
And sinners at the Gospel sound,
Awake to life again.