Scripture Verse

The Lord, enthroned in Zion. Psalm 9:11


Hart P. Danks (1834–1903)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in the Se­venth Day Ad­vent­ist Hymns and Tunes (Bat­tle Creek, Mi­chi­gan: 1886).

Music: Hart P. Danks (🔊 pdf nwc).

Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)


The Lord in Zion reign­eth, let all the world re­joice,
And come be­fore His throne of grace with tune­ful heart and voice;
The Lord in Zion reign­eth, and there His praise shall ring,
To Him shall princ­es bend the knee and kings their glo­ry bring.

The Lord in Zi­on reign­eth, and who so great as He?
The depths of earth are in His hands; He rules the migh­ty sea.
O crown His name with hon­or, and let His stand­ard wave,
Till dist­ant isles be­yond the deep shall own His pow­er to save.

The Lord in Zion reign­eth, these hours to Him be­long;
O en­ter now His tem­ple gates, and fill His courts with song;
Beneath His roy­al ban­ner let ev­ery crea­ture fall,
Exalt the King of hea­ven and earth, and crown Him Lord of all.