Scripture Verse

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness. Psalm 48:1


Words: Pa­ra­phrase of Psalm 48. Au­thor un­known.

Music: St. John’s High­lands, ano­ny­mous (🔊 pdf nwc).


The Lord is great; with wor­thy praise
Proclaim His pow­er, His name con­fess,
Within the ci­ty of our God,
Upon His mount of ho­li­ness.

Mount Zi­on, glo­ri­ous and fair,
Gives joy to peo­ple in all lands;
The city of the migh­ty King
In ma­jes­ty se­cure­ly stands.

Within her dwell­ings for de­fense
Our God has made His pre­sence known,
And hos­tile kings, in sud­den fear,
Have fled as ships by tem­pests blown.

With our own eyes we have be­held
What oft our fa­thers told be­fore,
That God who in His Zi­on dwells
Will keep her safe­ly ev­er­more.