I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Translated by John Brownlie, Hymns of the Russian Church (London: Humphrey Milford & Oxford University Press, 1920), pages 102–03.
Music: Hanford (Sullivan) Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874 (🔊
Lord, let us feel that Thou art near,
And while we pray, in mercy hear;
Crown with Thy love the opening year—
Have mercy, Lord.
Of Thy benignity, we pray,
Thy gracious Spirit grant alway,
Our strife and discord to allay—
Have mercy, Lord.
May peace our inmost soul possess,
And in our lives our converse bless,
With unaffected kindliness—
Have mercy, Lord.
Our sinful past we here repent,
With tears our wayward course lament,
Now, let Thy pardoning grace be sent—
Have mercy, Lord.
As seasons come, good Lord, ordain
That we the fruits of earth obtain,
Send us the sunshine and the rain—
Have mercy, Lord.
With strength Thy holy Church endue,
The anger of her foes subdue,
The offerings of Thy grace renew—
Have mercy, Lord.