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Scripture Verse

Call upon Me in the day of trouble. Psalm 50:15


Hart P. Danks (1834–1903)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Young Peo­ple’s Songs of Praise, by Ira D. San­key (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1902), num­ber 34.

Music: Bangalore Hart P. Danks, 1902 (🔊 ).

Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)


Pray on, pray on, be­liev­ing one,
God’s pro­mised word is sure,
That they shall ov­er­come by faith
Who to the end en­dure;
Pray on, pray on, O weary not,
The cross with pa­tience bear,
And though its bur­den weighs us down,
The Lord will an­swer prayer.

His eye fore­sees our great­est good,
While we at best are weak,
And thus in wis­dom He with­holds
The boon that oft we seek;
And yet His all-suf­fi­cient grace
He bids us free­ly share,
And in a way we lit­tle know,
The Lord will an­swer pray­er.

With anx­ious thoughts for those we love,
How oft our hearts are filled,
But soon the clouds are rolled away,
The trou­bled ways are stilled;
Then mur­mur not, but trust in Him
Who knows our ev­ery care,
And bet­ter far than we can ask,
The Lord will an­swer pray­er.