Go after that which is lost.
Luke 15:4
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Brightest and Best, by Howard Doane & Robert Lowry (New York and Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1875), number 107.
Music: W. Howard Doane (🔊 pdf nwc).
From the hundred sheep which the Shepherd’s care
Had protected many a day,
There was one went forth, and its restless feet
In the desert wandered away.
Then the Shepherd’s heart was grieved,
And He kindly said:
On the mountain it will languish and pine.
I will go and search for the sheep I lost,
I will leave the ninety and nine.
There was joy, great joy in the Shepherd’s fold,
When His long, long journey was o’er,
And the poor lost sheep that had gone astray,
In His arms He tenderly bore;
Then the Shepherd’s heart was glad,
And He said to all:
What a moment of rejoicing is Mine!
For I love My sheep that I lost and found,
More than all the ninety and nine.
Oh, that Shepherd kind is the Son of God,
Who has borne our sorrow and care;
It was He who said, There is joy in Heav’n
O’er the wand’rer’s penitent prayer
To the soul He bringeth back
To His fold of grace,
To His precious fold of mercy divine,
How His heart goes out, for He loves that one
More than all the ninety and nine.