Scripture Verse

He silenced the storm and stilled its waves…and He guided them to their desired harbor. Psalm 107:29–30


John Clements (1868–1946)

Words: John R. Cle­ments, 1910. This song was sug­gest­ed by the sink­ing of the steam­er Ci­ty of Rio de Ja­nei­ro in hea­vy fog at the Gold­en Gate, San Fran­cis­co, Ca­li­for­nia, Febr­ua­ry 22, 1901.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Lost in sight of the har­bor,
Not on the track­less deep;
Not where ocean is black­est,
Nor where the wild winds sweep.


But lost in sight of the har­bor;
Lost for the want of a hand;
Strong and cer­tain and stead­fast,
To pi­lot safe to the land.

Lost in sight of the har­bor,
The days of sail­ing past,
In a few more brief mo­ments,
The shore lines might be cast.


Lost in sight of the har­bor,
The shore bells ring­ing clear,
Their sweet chimes the last mu­sic
That ma­ny a soul shall hear.


Lost in sight of the har­bor,
Wrecked by the fogs of sin,
Some poor soul ship that’s sail­ing,
Can ne­ver en­ter in.


Lost in sight of the har­bor,
Lost, what a word of woe;
Choose the on­ly sure Pi­lot,
Who all the way doth know.

Then safe you’ll rest in the har­bor;
Safe by the skill of a hand,
Strong and cer­tain and stead­fast,
The Pi­lot to glo­ry land.