Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
Song of Solomon 2:11–12
Words & Music: Arthur F. M. Custance, 1902 (🔊
Nature from her sleep is waking,
From her icy bondage breaking,
Vernal life and beauty taking,
Lo, the winter is past.
Birds their carols sweet are singing
Trees and flow’rs their fragrance bringing,
Lo, the winter is past,
Lo, the winter is past.
In our hearts new joy is dawning,
On this happy Easter morning,
Every life with hope adorning,
Lo! the winter is past!
Gone are Lenten gloom and sadness,
Bright our path with Easter gladness,
Lo! the winter is past!
Lo! the winter is past!
Christ with pow’rs of Death hath striven,
To the world new life hath given,
Op’ning wide the gates of Heaven,
Lo! the winter is past.
Sing we to our Lord most glorious,
Rising over Death victorious,
Lo! the winter is past!
Lo! the winter is past!