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Scripture Verse

Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2:11–12


Words & Mu­sic: Ar­thur F. M. Cus­tance, 1902 (🔊 ).

Arthur F. M. Custance (1867–1926)



Nature from her sleep is wak­ing,
From her icy bond­age break­ing,
Vernal life and beau­ty tak­ing,
Lo, the win­ter is past.
Birds their car­ols sweet are sing­ing
Trees and flow’rs their frag­rance bring­ing,
Lo, the win­ter is past,
Lo, the win­ter is past.

In our hearts new joy is dawn­ing,
On this hap­py East­er morn­ing,
Every life with hope adorn­ing,
Lo! the win­ter is past!
Gone are Len­ten gloom and sad­ness,
Bright our path with East­er glad­ness,
Lo! the win­ter is past!
Lo! the win­ter is past!

Christ with pow’rs of Death hath striv­en,
To the world new life hath giv­en,
Op’ning wide the gates of Heav­en,
Lo! the win­ter is past.
Sing we to our Lord most glo­ri­ous,
Rising ov­er Death vic­tor­ious,
Lo! the win­ter is past!
Lo! the win­ter is past!