Scripture Verse

The Lord will provide. Genesis 22:14


Words: Phil­ip H. Wool­sey, Pre­cious Gems No. 1 (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Will­iam A. Pond, 1881), num­ber 27.

Music: City of God Phil­ip H. Wool­sey, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wool­sey (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When trou­bles as­sail us
And dan­gers come nigh,
When earth’s friends for­sake us,
To whom shall we fly?
There is a sure re­fuge
In which to abide,
And that is God’s pro­mise,
The Lord will pro­vide.


The Lord will pro­vide, yes,
The Lord will pro­vide;
His word is a sure­ty,
And He will pro­vide.

Though oft­en temp­ta­tions
Arise in our path
And fill us with fears,
We can tri­umph by faith;
When tempt­ed, though weak,
And our faith sore­ly tried,
There’s one thing to cheer us,
The Lord will pro­vide.


No strength of our own,
Neither good­ness we claim,
But trust the dear Sav­ior,
Who for us was slain;
For in Him God’s pro­mise
Was once ve­ri­fied.
And now He’s our Sav­ior;
The Lord did pro­vide.


Though we may have doubts,
And our hope seem in vain,
Through faith we will con­quer
And surely ob­tain;
His pro­mise is cer­tain;
While He’s on our side,
We’ll go on re­joic­ing,
The Lord will pro­vide.
