Scripture Verse

Let there be light. Genesis 1:3


Words: Will­iam M. Vo­ries, 1908.

Music: Pen­te­cost (Boyd) Will­iam Boyd, 1864 (🔊 pdf nwc). First pub­lished in Thir­ty-Two Hymn Tunes Com­posed by Mem­bers of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ox­ford, 1868.

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Boyd (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William M. Vories (1880–1964)

I wrote [this hymn] in 1908, to­ge­ther with some vers­es about War. These I did in an iro­nic­al vein, and the hymn came as a re­act­ion of re­lief.

I have al­ways been in­ter­est­ed in hym-no-lo­gy, and am a strong be­liever in the pow­er of hymns to af­fect the lives of peo­ple. I be­gan a col­lect­ion of hym­nals when a high-school boy.

William Vor­ies


Let there be light, Lord God of hosts,
Let there be wisdom on the earth;
Let broad humanity have birth,
Let there be deeds, instead of boasts.

Within our passioned hearts instill
The calm that endeth strain and strife;
Make us thy ministers of life;
Purge us from lusts that curse and kill.

Give us the peace of vision clear
To see our brothers’ good our own,
To joy and suffer not alone,
The love that casteth out all fear.

Let woe and waste of warfare cease,
That useful labor yet may build
Its homes with love and laughter filled;
God give thy wayward children peace.