Scripture Verse

Narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life. Matthew 7:14


William W. How (1823–1897)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Will­iam W. How, Psalms and Hymns 1854.

Music: Dix Con­rad Koch­er, Stim­men aus dem Reiche Gott­es 1838 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Conrad Kocher (1786–1872)


Lord, Thy child­ren guide and keep,
As with fee­ble steps they press
On the path­way rough and steep
Through the weary wil­der­ness.
Holy Je­sus, day by day,
Lead us in the nar­row way.

There are sto­ny ways to tread;
Give the strength we sore­ly lack.
There are tan­gled paths to thread;
Light us, lest we miss the track.
Holy Je­sus, day by day,
Lead us in the nar­row way.

There are san­dy wastes that lie
Cold and sun­less, vast and drear,
Where the fee­ble faint and die;
Grant us grace to per­sev­ere.
Holy Je­sus, day by day,
Lead us in the nar­row way.

There are soft and flow­ery glades
Decked with gold­en fruit­ed trees,
Sunny slopes and scent­ed shades;
Keep us, Lord, from sloth­ful ease.
Holy Je­sus, day by day,
Lead us in the nar­row way.

Upward still to pur­er heights!
Onward yet to scenes more blest,
Calmer re­gions, clear­er lights,
Till we reach the pro­mised rests
Holy Je­sus, day by day,
Lead us in the nar­row way.