Scripture Verse

Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. Luke 22:46


Words: Will­iam H. Dra­per, Hymns for the Ho­ly Week 1898.

Music: Ge­ne­van Psalm CX Lou­is Bour­geois, 1551 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bour­geois (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William H. Draper (1855–1933)
Wikimedia Commons


Lord, through this ho­ly week of our sal­va­tion,
Which Thou hast won for us who went as­tray,
In all the con­flict of Thy sore temp­ta­tion,
We would con­tin­ue with Thee day by day.

We would not leave Thee,
Though our weak en­dur­ance
Make us un­wor­thy here to take our part;
Yet give us strength to trust the sweet as­sur­ance
That Thou, O Lord, art great­er than our heart.

Thou didst for­give Thine own
Who slept for sor­row,
Thou didst have pi­ty, O have pi­ty now,
And let us watch through
Each sad eve and mor­row
With Thee, in ho­ly pray­er and so­lemn vow.

Along that sac­red way where Thou art lead­ing,
Which Thou didst take
To save our souls from loss,
Let us go al­so, till we see Thee plead­ing
In all pre­vail­ing pray­er up­on Thy cross.

Until Thou see Thy bit­ter tra­vail’s end­ing,
The world re­deemed, the will of God com­plete,
And, to Thy Fa­ther’s hands
Thy soul com­mend­ing,
Thou lay the work He gave Thee at His feet.

Jesus Mocked by Soldiers
Éduard Manet (1832–1883)