Scripture Verse

Let not loyalty and faithfulness forsake you. Proverbs 3:3


Words & Mu­sic: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1938)


Loyalty un­to Christ
The trum­pet now is sound­ing,
And the ech­oes an­swer from the fields of sin;
Nations are awak­ing, id­ol thrones are shak­ing,
For the great mil­len­ni­um is com­ing in.
Like a migh­ty army,
The her­alds of the cross
Are spread­ing over land and sea.
Bearing through the dark­ness,
The light that lead­eth
To sal­va­tion full and free.


Long and loud,
Loyalty un­to Christ we sing;
Till ev­ery h­uman tongue
Shall hear His prais­es sung!
Let the hills, val­leys and de­sert plac­es ring,
With Loy­al­ty un­to Christ, our Lord and king.

Loyalty, faith and works,
In ho­ly con­se­cra­tion,
Shall the scat­tered na­tions un­to Him re­store;
Then the world shall own Him,
And with joy en­throne Him,
King of kings and Lord of lords for­ev­er­more.
See the dark­ness lift­ing!
The Gos­pel light of truth
Is spread­ing to the per­fect day!
Clouds are back­ward drift­ing!
Renew en­dea­vor!
For the king pre­pare the way!


Loyalty un­to Christ!
O what a migh­ty pow­er,
Were the hosts of God unit­ed in His name!
Then would an­gels greet us,
Christ Him­self would meet us,
And bap­tize us with the Pen­te­cost­al flame.
Then would come the tri­umph,
And Christ be known and loved,
His praise be sung from shore to shore;
Earth would then, in glo­ry,
Become the king­dom
Of the Lord for­ev­er­more.
