Scripture Verse

Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians 6:19


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Child­ren 1763, num­ber 15.

Music: Am­ster­dam James Nar­es, in The Foun­de­ry Col­lect­ion, 1742 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James Nares (1715–1783)

The es­ti­ma­tion in which [Wes­ley’s] com­po­si­tions were held is in­di­cat­ed in a let­ter writ­ten by Mr. Tho­mas Pearce, of Cam­el­ford, Corn­wall. To his daugh­ter, at school, he writes:—Buy of Mr. Ev­ans Mr. Wes­ley’s Hymns for Childr­en, and get them by heart: I will pay for the book and give you a pen­ny for each hymn [you learn], which, I be­lieve, will amount to near­ly four shill­ings. Those hymns af­ford­ed much com­fort to your sis­ter Peg­gy, who is now in hea­ven.

Stevenson, p. 27


Maker, Sav­ior of man­kind,
Who hast on me be­stowed,
An im­mor­tal soul, de­signed
To be the house of God:
Come, and now re­side in me,
Never, ne­ver to re­move;
Make me just and good, like Thee,
And full of pow­er and love.

Bid in me Thine im­age rise,
A saint, a crea­ture new;
True, and mer­ci­ful, and wise,
And pure and hap­py, too;
This Thy pri­mi­tive de­sign,
That I should in Thee be blest;
Should with­in Thine arms di­vine,
For ev­er, ev­er rest.

Let Thy will in me be done;
Fulfill my heart’s de­sire,
Thee to know, and love alone,
And rise in rap­tures high­er.
Thee des­cend­ing on a cloud,
Till with rav­ished eyes I see;
Then shall I be filled with God
To all eter­ni­ty.