Scripture Verse

Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee. Mark 1:9


John H. Lozier (1830–1907)

Words: John H. Lo­zier (1832–1907).

Music: Mc­Phail, ar­ranged by Mat­thew L. Mc­Phail (1854–1931) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this song was writ­ten,

Matthew L. McPhail


I am on a shin­ing path­way,
A-down life’s short­en­ing years,
And my heart hath known its sor­rows,
Mine eyes have seen their tears;
But I saw those sha­dows flee,
And the shin­ing light I see,
While I’m trust­ing in the mer­it,
Of the Man of Ga­li­lee.

My poor soul has had its conflicts
With mighty hosts of sin,
With the deadly foes without me,
And darker foes within;
But I saw those legions flee,
And my soul found vic­to­ry,
When I trusted in the merit
Of the Man of Ga­li­lee.

I am com­ing near the ci­ty
My Sav­ior’s hands have piled,
And I know my Fa­ther’s wait­ing
To wel­come home His child;
For un­wor­thy though I be,
He will find a place for me,
For He is the King of Glo­ry,
The Man of Ga­li­lee.