Scripture Verse

Gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us. Romans 12:6


Words & Mu­sic: Al Car­mines, 1974 (🔊 pdf nwc). The Unit­ed Me­tho­dist Wo­men com­miss­ioned this hymn from Car­mines for their 1974 Ge­ne­ral As­sem­bly.


God of change and glo­ry,
God of time and space,
When we fear the fu­ture,
Give to us your grace.
In the midst of chang­ing ways
Give us still the grace to praise.


Many gifts, one Spir­it,
One love known in ma­ny ways.
In our dif­fer­ence is bless­ing,
From di­ver­si­ty we praise
One Giv­er, one Lord,
One Spir­it, one Word
Known in ma­ny ways,
Hallowing our days.
For the Giv­er, for the gifts,
Praise, praise, praise!

God of many col­ors,
God of ma­ny signs,
You have made us dif­fer­ent,
Blessing ma­ny kinds.
As the old ways dis­ap­pear,
Let your love cast out our fear.


Freshness of the morn­ing,
Newness of each night,
You are still cre­at­ing
Endless love and light.
This we see, as sha­dows part,
Many gifts from one great heart.
