Scripture Verse

I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. Philippians 3:8


Norman Bearcroft (1926–2020)

Words: Al­bert W. T. Ors­born, 1916–19.

Music: Mo­ther Ma­chree, se­cu­lar tune, ar­ranged by Nor­man Bear­croft (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert W. T. Orsborn (1886–1967)


Many thoughts stir my heart as I ponder alone;
Many places attract me with charms all their own;
But the thought of all thoughts
Is of Christ cru­ci­fied,
The place of all places, the hill where He died.


O the charm of the cross!
How I love to be there!
With the love that shines from it,
What love can compare?
The seal of my ransom in Calvary I see,
All my sin, O my Sav­ior, laid upon Thee!

’Tis the end of my sin and the source of all grace;
’Tis the word of God’s love to a prodigal race;
’Tis the greatest, the grandest
Gift God could impart,
Surpassing my reason, but winning my heart.


For the sake of the Christ and the love of His cross
I have yielded my all and not reckoned it loss;
There’s a place in my heart
Which the Sav­ior must fill;
No other can take it, and none ever will.
