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Scripture Verse

Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8


Elisha Hoffman (1839–1929)

Words & Mu­sic: Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, in Songs of Vic­to­ry, com­piled by An­drew W. Bell (Lon­don & Glas­gow, Scot­land: Lon­don Bi­ble & Book Sa­loon and the Sco­ttish Bi­ble and Book So­ci­ety, cir­ca 1890), num­ber 372, alt. (🔊 ).


Send me forth, oh bless­èd Mas­ter!
Where in sor­row souls are bowed;
Send me forth to homes of want and hearts of care,
And with joy I will ob­ey the call,
And in Thy bless­èd name
I will take the bless­èd light of the Gos­pel there.


Call me forth, call me forth,
To ac­tive ser­vice call me forth,
And my prompt res­ponse will be,
Here am I! Send me.
I am rea­dy to re­port for or­ders;
Master, sum­mon me,
And I’ll go on any er­rand of love for Thee.

There are lives that may be bright­ened
By a word of hope and cheer;
There are souls with whom life’s bless­ings I should share;
There are hearts that may be light­ened of
The bur­dens which they bear;
Let me take the bless­èd hope
Of the Gos­pel there.


There is work with­in the vine­yard,
There is ser­vice to be done;
There’s a mes­sage of sal­va­tion to de­clare;
Send me forth to tell the sto­ry to
The hearts of sin­ful men;
Let me take the bless­èd Christ of the Gos­pel there.


Oh, I would not be an id­ler
In the vine­yard of the Lord;
With the Christ the vine­yard la­bor I would share;
Into hearts that know not Je­sus
I would speak the sav­ing Word;
Let me take the bless­èd joy of the Gos­pel there.
