Scripture Verse

Partakers of the divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4


Isaac Williams (1802–1865)

Words: Is­aac Will­iams, Hymns on the Ca­te­chism 1842.

Music: Bo­nar (Steg­gall) Charles H. Steg­gall, Church Psal­mo­dy 1849 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Charles H. Steggall (1826–1905)


Members of Christ are we;
He is our liv­ing head.
That hence­forth we should ev­er be
By His good Spir­it led
In the same nar­row path
Our Lord and Sav­ior trod—
The path that lead­eth by the cross
To glo­ry and to God.

Children of God are we;
Such grace to us is giv’en,
To kneel and pray in Christ’s own words,
Fa­ther, which art in Heav’n;
Seeking to do His will
As an­gels do above,
And walk­ing in obe­di­ent ways
Of holy truth and love.

Of Hea­ven’s king­dom we
Inheritors were made;
Each at the font in Christ’s own robe
Of spot­less white ar­rayed.
Upon our fore­head now
Is trac­ed the suf­fer­ing sign,
That one day on each saint­ly brow
A glo­ri­ous crown may shine.

Christ’s lit­tle ones are we;
And un­to us are given
Angelic guards, who ev­er see
Our Fa­ther’s face in Heav’n.
To walk in fol­ly now
We may not, must not, dare,
Mindful whose seal is on our brow,
Whose ho­ly name we bear.